- Development standards. 100. - collection of debts to the city; chapter 3. ), as now written or hereafter amended, and this chapter. 17) This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the Municipality. Jurupa Valley City Hall 8930 Limonite Avenue Jurupa Valley, CA 92509 City Hall Phone: 951-332-6464 Inspections: 951-332-0790; Quick Links. 175. 5. GENERAL PROVISIONS Title 2. - PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ZONE (PUD) CHAPTER 9. jurupa valley municipal code; supplement history table modified; title 1 - general provisions; title 2 - administration and personnel; title 3 - revenue and finance; title 4 - miscellaneous regulations; title 5 - business regulations; title 6 - health and sanitation; title 7 - subdivisions; title 8 - buildings and construction; title 9. The results of the inspection can be discussed directly with you at the time of inspection. Code Section 65300 et seq. ×. 180 of the Jurupa Valley Municipal Code, Ordinance No. - Planning agency. 010. 70. Code enforcement. - C-O (COMMERCIAL-OFFICE ZONE) Show Changes. adopted 6/2/22. 9. . (Ord. By providing User Generated Content, you grant Municipal Code. No. City Hall. more . Municipal Code;. 17) View what's changed Browse table of contents This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the Municipality. 35. 9. Municipal Code; Recent Changes; Pending Amendments; Previous Versions; MuniPRO; My Saved Searches; My Drafts; My Notes; Show Walkthrough; version: Apr 3, 2023 (current) Jurupa Valley, CA Municipal Code. Parking area landscaping shall include shade trees from the "Jurupa Valley Guide to Trees, Shrubs and Ground Covers", unless otherwise approved by the. 17) View what's changed Browse table of contents This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the Municipality. jurupa valley municipal code; supplement history table modified; title 1 - general provisions; title 2 - administration and personnel; title 3 - revenue and finance; title 4 - miscellaneous regulations; title 5 - business regulations; title 6 - health and sanitation; title 7 - subdivisions; title 8 - buildings and construction; title 9. Browse table of contents. Jurupa Valley City Hall 8930 Limonite Avenue Jurupa Valley, CA 92509 City Hall Phone: 951-332-6464 Inspections: 951-332-0790; Quick Links. No. ( Supp. Please use the table of contents pane to navigate to the ordinance you're looking for. 040. Connect with staff across all departments. 030. Municipal Code; Recent Changes; Pending Amendments; Previous Versions; MuniPRO; My Saved Searches; My Drafts; My Notes; Show Walkthrough; version: Apr 3, 2023. 9. JURUPA VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE Codified through Ordinance No. City Documents & Forms. 9. 05. The people of the City of Jurupa Valley find and declare the following: (1) In 1996, the voters of the State of California approved Proposition 215 (codified as California Health and Safety Code Section 11362. chapter 7. Community Events & Information. Municipal Code. Planning Accessory Dwelling Units Accessory Dwelling Units Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Ordinance In December 2020, the City of Jurupa Valley adopted a new Accessory. The Jurupa Valley Municipal Code establishes the City's regulations concerning planning, code enforcement, business activity, public works, and other. 115. chapter 3. Jurupa Valley City Hall 8930 Limonite Avenue Jurupa Valley, CA 92509 City Hall Phone: 951-332-6464 Inspections: 951-332-0790; Quick Links. In addition, to the extent that the city makes any provision of this chapter or identified BMP a condition of approval to the issuance of a permit, any person in. 35. About Us. Municipal CodeSupplement 17Online content updated on April 3, 2023. 2018-14, § 2(17. JURUPA VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE Codified through Ordinance No. 240. The Jurupa Valley Municipal Code establishes the City's regulations concerning planning, code enforcement, business activity, public works, and other activities. 132. jurupa valley municipal code; supplement history table modified; title 1 - general provisions; title 2 - administration and personnel; title 3 - revenue and finance; title 4 -. 45. 100. 9. The City Council adopted the City of Jurupa Valley's first locally prepared General Plan on September 7, 2017!. 05. 17) This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the Municipality. To assist residents and. Laura Shultz, Chair. City Documents & Forms. Sec. ADOPTION OF FIRE CODE. Manager, or his or her designee, for the purposes of enforcement of this title as amended by the City of Jurupa Valley, including, but not limited to, the current home telephone number of the. 2023-04, enacted February 16, 2023. Businesses found to be contributing. 020. - DEFINITIONS | Municipal Code | Jurupa Valley, CA | Municode Library. chapter 8. 340. - introductory provisions and. - Statement of purpose and intent. Municipal Code; Recent Changes; Pending Amendments; Previous Versions; MuniPRO; My Saved Searches; My Drafts; My Notes; Show Walkthrough; version: Apr 3, 2023 (current)AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF JURUP A VALLEY AMENDING THE JURUPA VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE CONCERNING TRADITIONAL NEIGHBORHOOD DESIGN STANDARDS, AND FINDING AN EXEMPTION FROM CEQA UNDER SECTION 15061(B)(3) OF THE CEQA GUIDELINES. Municipal Code; Recent Changes; Pending Amendments; Previous Versions; MuniPRO; My Saved Searches; My Drafts; My Notes; Show Walkthrough; version: Dec 15, 2022 (current)JURUPA VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE modified; Title 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS; Title 2 - ADMINISTRATION AND PERSONNEL;. Municipal CodeSupplement 17Online content updated on April 3, 2023. Close. 2023-04, enacted February 16, 2023. - R-4 ZONE (PLANNED RESIDENTIAL) Sec. - Nonconforming building. Jurupa Valley, California - Municipal Code; Title 9 - PLANNING AND ZONING; CHAPTER 9. - CODE ADOPTED. Code Section 65100 et seq. 2023-04, enacted February 16, 2023. 77 of the jurupa valley municipal code and amending article xiv, mandatory organic waste disposal reduction, of the jurupa valley municipal code, and making a determination of exemption under. Sec. City Council Agendas & Minutes. more . Agendas & Minutes. CHAPTER 9. Jurupa Valley City Hall 8930 Limonite Avenue Jurupa Valley, CA 92509 City Hall Phone: 951-332-6464 Inspections: 951-332-0790; Quick Links. - PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ZONE (PUD) Sec. 2011-02, hereinafter "permittee") moving or causing to be moved more than five hundred (500) cubic yards of earth material per project from or to the site of a grading operation on any public roadway within the City of Jurupa Valley shall be subject to. 020 shall be subject to removal and placed in a storage facility pursuant to and in compliance with the provisions of Vehicle Code Sections 22651 and 22850. 205. ( Supp. - collection of debts to the city; chapter 3. chapter 7. City Council Agendas & Minutes. - C-1 ZONE/C-P ZONE (GENERAL COMMERCIAL) Sec. The provisions of any code adopted by reference by this Code, including, but not limited to, county ordinances adopted by the city; (3). - Grading permits. Municipal Code. ( Supp. JURUPA VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE Codified through Ordinance No. Contact the City of Jurupa Valley City Hall. 05. (2). 35. Section 112. No. City Documents & Forms. 05. Measure L was approved by the voters of the City of Jurupa Valley on November 6, 2018 and adopted as Ordinance Number 2018-14, adding Chapter 11. Observed Holidays. 17) View what's changed Browse table of contents This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the Municipality. 9. 75, development impact fee, and section 2. Enforcement Official or Enforcement Officials means any person authorized to enforce the provisions of the Jurupa Valley Municipal Code pursuant to Chapter 1. - R-A ZONE (RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL) Show Changes. - Adoption of Code. The 1997 Uniform Administrative Code is hereby repealed and replaced with the 2016 California Building. 4—-Violation penalties. 8. 9. City Council Agendas & Minutes. View All Meetings × Close. Ordinance No. - ZONING DISTRICTS. Jurupa Valley, California - Municipal Code; Title 9 - PLANNING AND ZONING; CHAPTER 9. 17)jurupa valley municipal code; supplement history table modified; title 1 - general provisions; title 2 - administration and personnel; title 3 - revenue and finance; title 4 - miscellaneous regulations; title 5 - business regulations; title 6 - health and sanitation; title 7 - subdivisions. Municipal Code. Community Events & Information. Sec. 65. CHAPTER 9. 010. 245. version: Dec 15, 2022 (current) JURUPA VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE. 132. 230 ("expiration of approved tentative maps and vesting tentative maps - extension of time") of chapter 7. Any person (as defined in Section 1. Legal interest means any interest that is represented by a deed of trust, quitclaim deed, mortgage, judgment lien, tax or assessment lien, mechanic's lien or other similar instrument. R-A ZONE (RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL) § 9. chapter 7. 4—-Violation penalties. jurupa valley municipal code; supplement history table modified; title 1 - general provisions; title 2 - administration and personnel; title 3 - revenue and finance; title 4 - miscellaneous regulations; title 5 - business regulations; title 6 - health and sanitation; title 7 - subdivisions. This chapter shall be cited as the Administrative Provisions to Title 8 of the Jurupa Valley Municipal Code, and shall apply to all referenced and adopted codes in Title 8, including the Construction Codes, unless otherwise provided. chapter 7. 020. 100. Municipal Code. Jurupa Valley, California - Municipal Code; Title 9 - PLANNING AND ZONING; CHAPTER 9. City Council Agendas & Minutes. - Nonconforming structures and uses. The purpose of this chapter is to give meaning and effect to state commercial cannabis laws, provide a limited exemption from enforcement of the City's prohibition on commercial cannabis activity, as set forth in City of Jurupa Valley Ordinance No. No. 75. 030 of the Jurupa Valley Municipal Code. BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION: Chapter 8. B. City of Jurupa Valley - Zoning March 2022 Jurupa Rd Galena St Limonite A ve R i v e r v i e w D r 58th St 56th St Bellegrave A ve Ri v er si d e D r Market St Opal St G r a n i t e Hi l Dr Armstrong Rd 46th St Pyrite St Felspar St 34th St R u b i d o u x B l v d W allace St V alley W ay Pacific R-R A ve Peralta Pl C r e s t m o r e R d S i e r. jurupa valley municipal code; supplement history table modified; title 1 - general provisions; title 2 - administration and personnel; title 3 - revenue and finance; title 4 - miscellaneous regulations; title 5 - business regulations; title 6 - health and sanitation; title 7 - subdivisions. 05. CHAPTER 5. (9) Amendment—Section 112. 2023-04, enacted February 16, 2023. Municipal Code.